Italy Wants to Upgrade Movie “Camming” Piracy to a Criminal Offense Recording first-run movies in cinemas, an activity known as “camming”, has long been a...
FMovies Loses Control of Swedish Domain, Moves to Iceland Popular movie streaming service FMovies has lost control of its main Sweden-based domain. The site had...
YouTube Chief Says Article 13 “Undermines Creative Economy” YouTube’s Chief Business Officer has weighed in on the EU’s proposed Article 13 legislation, which critics say...
Rogue MEGA Chrome Extension Stole Passwords and Crypto Keys A rogue version of file-hosting platform MEGA’s Chrome extension has triggered a major security alert from...
‘Collaboration is Key to Disrupting Video Streaming Piracy’ Last month CASBAA rebranded itself to the Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA). The organization’s Coalition Against Piracy...
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